ASCB was fun, invigorating, and exhausting, as always. Amy co-organized a Saturday subgroup: the 5th bi-annual Frontiers in Cytokinesis session. She filled in for an invited speaker who couldn’t make it, with a talk about contractile oscillations in cytokinesis. Later that day, undergraduate Anusha Doshi presented her work in a special poster session for undergraduates. She flew back red-eye that same night to try to beat the snow storm! Michael came in early for the same reason, and arrived in time to celebrate with the Cytokinesis community at a huge happy hour at Tivoli Bar, which boasts being the oldest establishment in San Diego. The event was well-attended and was sponsored by Molecular Devices, Journal of Cell Science, eLIfe, Biochemistry, Nikon, and Zeiss. On Sunday we had a delicious fish taco lab reunion dinner at the South Beach Bar and Grill in Ocean Beach. Daniel was selected to speak in a Minisymposium on Motors organized by Julie Welburn and Michael Ostap. Though he had to wait to speak last, he did a great job! With Jan Skotheim, Amy co-organized a minisymposium that took place Tuesday. Michael wrapped up a well-attended, awesome session with a terrific talk! Discussions continued at a relaxing dinner afterward. Paul and Amy re-connected with the younger set of Salmon lab alumni, and zoomed around town on Lime scooters.